NCL is the political voice of Nevada’s conservation community. We advocate for sound conservation policies, organize and train conservation leaders and advocates, work to increase civic engagement, educate and endorses candidates for public office, and hold elected officials and decision makers accountable on the conservation and environmental issues we work on; climate, clean air, clean water, protecting our public lands and open spaces, and public health and livability.

We strive to work in a way that recognizes and builds a deeper understanding racial justice that achieves more just outcomes and builds a more inclusive organization.

The NCL family of organizations includes Nevada Conservation League, a 501(c)(4) organization, Nevada Conservation League Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization, and Nevada Conservation League Political Action Committee, our political arm that directly helps elect pro-conservation candidates win office.

While we don’t have any current openings, we’re always looking ahead for opportunities to grow our team with passionate individuals.

If you’re interested in making a difference and think your experience aligns with our mission, check back here for future opportunities—we’d love to hear from you when the time is right!