Camalot Todd

JD Vance’s Visit to Nevada Highlights What’s at Stake in November: More Than 20,000 Clean Energy Jobs and Hundreds of Environmental Protections

Former president Trump and JD Vance have made it clear that their loyalty lies with oil and gas CEOs—not everyday Nevadan residents

Reno, NV — Today, Republican Vice President Nominee JD Vance visited Nevada, which stands to lose more than 20,000 clean energy jobs and $14.5 billion investment if Trump wins in November. These clean energy jobs and investment funds were spurred by the Biden-Harris administration’s clean energy plan, which congressional Republicans have already voted to repeal more than 42 times. According to recent polling, more than seven in ten voters support the Biden-Harris administration’s clean energy plan.

Unfortunately, JD Vance is an extremist who opposes clean energy and environmental protections. Vance has cast doubt on whether human activity is driving climate change, and said that “this low environmental crisis” was created to “justify Democratic donors.” He’s repeatedly criticized the EPA and supported legislation to gut environmental regulations around clean air & water.

“Nevadans know firsthand the impacts of climate change—from extreme heat to wildfires—as Reno and Las Vegas are the nation’s first and second-fastest warming cities,” said Tiffany Hsieh, Nevada State Desk for Climate Power. “Nevadans also know that the clean energy investments from the Biden-Harris clean energy plan are reducing pollution, lowering costs, and bringing good-paying clean energy jobs into communities. A Trump-Vance administration would be catastrophic for our climate and economy, and result in an all-out reversal of the clean energy progress made under the Biden-Harris administration over the past four years.”

“Nevadans are roasting in a historic heatwave and facing effects of wildfires in Reno and Las Vegas — the nation’s fastest-warming cities. It’s hypocritical that JD Vance, who dismisses these crises as a ‘low environmental crisis’ is now asking for support from the very people living through them,” said Kristee Watson, the executive director at the Nevada Conservation League. “He criticized the thousands of good-paying clean energy jobs that the Biden-Harris Administration brought to Nevada including businesses like Unimacts in Las Vegas and Sloan. He disparaged solar that helps Nevadans offset high energy bills. Then he pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from oil and gas-linked PACs and donors. Vance doesn’t care about improving our lives or protecting our wallets — he only cares about making himself richer. We simply cannot afford a Trump-Vance presidency.”

Trump and his allies are already putting the White House up for sale. Weeks before becoming a convicted felon, Trump offered Big Oil companies a “deal”: $1 billion to implement their agenda of crushing clean energy. While president, Trump gave $25 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil. Now, they’re financing his legal defense and his campaign.

Vice President Harris will put the American people before Big Oil. 63% of voters say they want the president to stand up to Big Oil, not cozy up to them. The Biden-Harris administration stood up to Big Oil with a clean energy plan that represents the most significant climate investment in American history, all while lowering costs and creating more than 300,000 good-paying jobs—jobs that will be in jeopardy if Trump is elected in November.


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