Tisha Black, candidate for Clark County Commission District F, stated her support for controversial development in Red Rock Canyon during Mountains Edge Community Forum.
During a forum for the Mountain’s Edge Community on 9/19/2018 Clark County Commission Candidate Tisha Black was made several incorrect statements on potential development in Red Rock Canyon and stated that she believes that Jim Rhodes is entitled to develop over 5000 homes there.
The Nevada Conservation League Political Action Committee Executive Director, Andy Maggi, released the following statement on Tisha Black’s comments. “When asked about development in the Red Rock Canyon area Tisha Black essentially through her arms in the air and shrugged her shoulders suggesting there was nothing the county could do to stop a massive new development in Red Rock Canyon. Southern Nevadans love our public lands and our access to these spectacular places are what makes this area such a great place to live and a destination of millions of visitors, few are more spectacular and more iconic than Red Rock Canyon. Tisha Black’s comments supporting the plans of developer Jim Rhodes are unacceptable, misguided, and simply not accurate.”
Her statements vs reality:
Black says: “It’s zoned to allow an exceptionally high density up there, meaning you can put a lot of houses up there.”
Reality: The land is currently zoned for rural development which means no more than 1 home per 2 acres may be built. This has been the zoning since Rhodes purchased the property.
Black: “The County took the [developer] to court to try to make the density less and they lost.”
Reality: The density up there has always been the same. The county never lost in court to change the density. Rhodes and his supporters are currently proposing to change the zoning and density. The county has not agreed to any zoning changes on this property.
Black: “The density up there which he has, which is incredible” Questioner: “5,025 homes” Black: “It’s more than that. That’s what he’s agreed to. He could do more than that.”
Reality: The allowable density is not “more than that”. Rhodes has proposed building more than 5000 homes but he does not have the zoning to do this.
Black: “He has the right to do it because that’s what it’s zoned.”
Reality: It is not zoned for that level of development. It has never been zoned for that type of development. They do not have a right to build more than approximately 1200 homes based on the current zoning.
Maggi added, “These are talking points that Rhodes have been trying to use for years to justify development in Red Rock Canyon. It is really disappointing to hear Tisha Black using them instead of learning about this critical issue by listening to the constituents in District F and hearing their support for strong protections against big developments in Red Rock Canyon.”
The Nevada Conservation League has endorse Justin Jones for Clark County Commission district F because of his record of fighting for our communities, promoting safe and healthy neighborhoods, and his leadership protecting Red Rock Canyon from sprawl and large developments.
Paid for by Nevada Conservation League PAC