NEVADA — Nevada Conservation League (NCL) revealed our policy priorities before the 83rd legislative session starts on Monday. These policy priorities protect Nevadans by helping lower utility costs, transition to cleaner energy, bolster state funding for the clean energy economy, wildlife crossings, and outdoor recreation access.
Four out of six NCL priorities aim to lower energy costs, hold monopoly utilities like NV Energy accountable, and have widespread bipartisan voter support throughout the state, according to new polling presented by Christi Cabrera-Georgeson, NCL’s deputy director.
Those four priority policies: ratepayer protection, fuel cost-sharing, solar power affordable housing, and clean energy investment and the accompanying polling data were shared at a virtual press conference on Thursday, Jan. 30.
“The impacts of over-reliance on out-of-state and polluting methane gas are not an exaggeration. Like many Nevadans, I have lived through those consequences — from the wildfires that tore through Northern Nevada to seeing my coworkers in the south struggle through summers with record-breaking heatwaves. More and more of our friends, families, and neighbors are buried under increasingly high utility bills. This polling shows that Nevadans demand action from lawmakers to tackle these challenges by deploying local clean energy and lowering the cost of electricity,” Cabrera-Georgeson said.
The poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group and North Star Opinion Research between Dec.12 and 16, 2024, consisted of interviews with 1,050 Nevada registered voters, including 600 weighted interviews.
Those four policy priorities and the corresponding data from the polling are below.
Our other two priorities include expanding funding for wildlife protection and outdoor recreation access. Last year’s polling supporting these specific policies is available upon request.
More information on those policies can be found on the attached two-page priority list.
“Our policies reflect what Nevadans value most: protecting the unique landscapes and wildlife that define our state while ensuring families can afford to power their homes with clean, reliable energy,” Cabrera-Georgeson said. “Whether it’s lowering utility bills, investing in renewable energy, or safeguarding outdoor spaces, these priorities ensure a brighter, healthier future for all Nevadans.”
Policy Priority 1: Ratepayer Protection
With 88% of Nevadan voters polled supporting this policy, NCL will work throughout the session to limit how our money can be spent by utility monopolies and increase transparency — so we’re not funding executives’ first-class flights and pro-sports sponsorships even as we struggle to buy groceries or medication.
Policy Priority 2: Fuel Cost-Sharing
We will require NV Energy to share the responsibility for fuel cost spikes instead of passing all of those costs directly onto us, with 86% of Nevadan voters polled supporting this.
Policy Priority 3: Solar-Powered Affordable Housing
We will work to allow solar power installations at multifamily housing complexes such as apartments to help lower energy costs for renters, and 78% of Nevadan voters polled support this.
Policy Priority 4: Nevada Clean Energy Fund
With 79% of Nevadan voters polled support this policy priority, NCL will advocate for state funding for the Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) to help families with energy-saving upgrades while creating good-paying jobs and diversifying our state’s economy.
Press interested in one-on-one interviews should contact Camalot Todd, Communications Director at NCL, at or 702-576-7247.
About Nevada Conservation League
The Nevada Conservation League is the independent voice of Nevada’s conservation community. We work to maintain and enhance the character of Nevada and the quality of life for Nevadans through effective advocacy, the election of pro-conservation candidates, and building collaboration.