Camalot Todd

NV Energy’s Latest Plan to Increase Fossil Fuel Dependence Would Cost Nevadans $573 Million, Undermine Clean Energy Goals

Advocates Urge Public Utilities Commission to Hold NV Energy Accountable and Prioritize Smart Clean Energy Investments

NEVADA — The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) has scheduled a special consumer session for NV Energy’s proposed 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) on Thursday, October 3. The session was set by PUCN Chair Williamson in response to calls for greater public feedback on the IRP. Utility Watch NV partners are urging the Commission to reject NV Energy’s plan to expand its reliance on expensive and volatile methane gas through a new 400-megawatt gas-burning plant, which would cost customers $573 million—directly undermining Nevada’s clean energy goals and further burdening ratepayers.

This proposed gas plant comes on the heels of two recently approved gas projects. In total, over $1.1 billion in costs could be passed on to Nevada’s families and small businesses, who will bear the burden of skyrocketing bills while NV Energy’s corporate investors profit.

The IRP is critically important. While it sets the state’s energy projects for the next three years, those costs will be covered by ratepayers for decades to come. New gas plants also extend the state’s dependence on costly and polluting fossil fuels. Unfortunately, NV Energy has a track record of excluding meaningful public input and withholding critical information from stakeholders and decision-makers. The Commission must hold NV Energy accountable for projects that increase the potential for rate shock and advance smart, cost-effective clean energy programs such as solar, geothermal power, battery storage, and energy efficiency. These alternatives are not only more affordable for Nevadans, but also support the state’s long-term energy and climate goals.

“Communities of color and low-income families are disproportionately impacted by rising energy costs and the health effects of polluting fossil fuels,” said Dr Mary House, CEO of Caring, Helping Restoring Lives. “This plan by NV Energy to increase reliance on methane gas will only deepen the burdens faced by vulnerable communities. We need investments in clean, affordable energy that uplift and protect all Nevadans, not just corporate profits.”

“Chispa members have been attending consumer sessions all year, asking for relief from rate hikes and high electricity prices that we’re struggling to pay,” said Audrey Peral, Program Director of Chispa Nevada. “NV Energy’s plan, in its current form, fails Nevada families. The corporation’s plan to build more methane gas plants is expensive and will lead to higher bills in the future, not to mention more pollution and worsened public health. Our communities are counting on the PUCN to hold NV Energy accountable to a plan that lowers costs, reduces pollution, and protects the wellbeing of our families.” 

“Methane gas power plants are a losing bet for Nevada,” said Kristee Watson, Executive Director of the Nevada Conservation League. “Our state doesn’t produce methane gas, and relying on out-of-state sources makes bills volatile and unpredictable. Spending more Nevadans’ money on this out-of-state fossil fuel makes zero sense when we have abundant clean energy resources like solar and geothermal right here at home.”

“NV Energy has treated stakeholder and customer engagement as an afterthought,” said Chasity Martinez, Community Organizer for Faith In Action Nevada. “There has been inadequate transparency, minimal public notice, overly technical language, and a lack of clear and accessible information provided to all stakeholders, including customers. And, despite calls for the affordability, health, and environmental benefits of clean energy, NV Energy continues to push for costly methane gas projects that only add to our burden.”


About Utility Watch Nevada

Utility Watch Nevada is a project of community and conservation organizations in Nevada.

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