Camalot Todd

Progressive Groups React To Nevada U.S. Senatorial Debate

Las Vegas, Nev. — On September 18, Senator Jacky Rosen debated the two-time Senate candidate Sam “Scam” Brown. Brown, who recently moved to Nevada after unsuccessfully seeking office in Texas as recently as 2014, repeated MAGA talking points that have proven decidedly unpopular to Nevada voters. Senator Rosen, however, provided a clear direction ahead for the state and a promise to continue to deliver for her constituents and protect our basic freedoms. Below, progressive groups from across Nevada react to the debate.

Shelbie Swartz, Executive Director of Battle Born Progress, issued the following statement: 

“Tonight, we saw Sam Brown as the candidate he is: someone who’s not from Nevada, who’s out of touch with everyday Nevadans, and who’s embraced Trumpism – except when it’s inconvenient to his campaign. This is the same Sam Brown who flip-flopped on the right to an abortion, who ran as an anti-abortion candidate in Texas before softening his position so he could run in Nevada. Nevadans deserve a candidate who can stand up to the dangerous policies of the MAGA fringe – not a candidate who has embraced them.  

Jarrett Clark, Communications Director at For Our Future Nevada issued the following statement:

“Tonight’s debate showed a contrast between our candidates for the U.S. Senate that could not be more stark. On the one hand, Jacky Rosen demonstrated that she would continue to bring measured leadership and fierce representation of the Silver State to Washington and deliver tangible results for Nevada’s working families. On the other hand, Sam Brown revealed his true colors; he’s a MAGA extremist and carpetbagger from Texas who will say anything if it helps him win. Nevadans don’t want their reproductive rights stripped away. Nevadans don’t want nuclear waste dumped in their backyard. And Nevadans don’t want Sam Brown. Jacky Rosen is the clear choice to be our Senator.” 

Kristee Watson, Executive Director of the Nevada Conservation League, issued the following statement: 

“Extreme heat, worsening natural disasters, high energy bills — climate change is on the ballot this election. Tonight’s debate between Sen. Jacky Rosen and failed candidate Sam Brown highlights the stark contrast between the two. Rosen has, and will continue, to fight for Nevadans. Rosen’s track record of being a climate champion is proven by her introduction of a bill that makes funding and resources available for damages due to extreme heat, another bill to improve wildfire resources access, and she helped secure $15,222,751 to help lower Nevadans’ energy costs and fund energy-efficient home repairs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Sam Brown? He wants to reopen Yucca Mountain and supports Project 2025, which would raise energy costs by hundreds of dollars each year by 2030. The choice couldn’t be clearer: Nevada needs Jacky Rosen in office.”

Manuel Santamaria, State Director of Mi Familia Vota, issued the following statement: 

It’s interesting that Sam Brown’s website is as much about his wife as it is about him. He does this because, just as he showed tonight, he doesn’t have anything of substance on his own that he can run on. Sam Brown has tried to pander to women despite submitting to an extremist MAGA agenda that seeks to strip away their rights. Tonight, Jacky Rosen showed that she is prepared and loyal to continue serving in the US Senate as the best representative for all Nevadans.” 

Laura Martin, Executive Director of Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada Action Fund, issued the following statement: 

“Nevada’s values are clear: a woman has a right to reproductive freedom and choice. Nevadans should be concerned with how out of touch Sam Brown is with our values. He’s held extreme, anti-choice views on abortion and he’s desperately trying to hide who he really is. Trump-supporting Sam Brown will join the same MAGA cronies that decimated Roe v Wade, and that have caused pregnant people to be turned away from life-saving medical attention, and in some instances, have died waiting for care. Not only should Nevadans turn out to vote for yes on Question 6, but they should use their voice to fight against Sam Brown and radical anti-woman extremists. Sam Brown is clearly out of touch with Nevada. We are unapologetically pro-choice, and voters are ready to send Scam Brown right back to Texas.” 

Leo Murrieta, Executive Director of Make The Road Action Nevada, issued the following statement:
Sam Brown’s extreme alignment with Trump’s MAGA agenda is a direct threat to Nevada’s communities, even though he tries to deceive voters by changing his views for his convenience about important issues like reproductive rights. His dangerous support over the years to strip away reproductive rights, promoting mass deportations, and undermining our freedoms shows he isn’t here for the people—he’s pushing a far-right vision that puts everything we value at risk. In contrast, Senator Jacky Rosen fights for us all, standing up for DACA recipients, pushing for real immigration reform, and taking on corporate greed to protect working families. She delivers results and works tirelessly to build a fairer and more inclusive Nevada. That’s why Make The Road Action Nevada proudly recommends Jacky Rosen for a better future for all.

Tiffany Hsieh, Nevada State Desk of Climate Power, issued the following statement:
“Climate is a critical issue for Nevadan voters in this election and the choice between Senator Rosen and GOP candidate Sam Brown could not be more clear. Senator Rosen is a clean energy champion and strongly supports Nevada’s booming clean energy economy. She voted for the clean energy plan, securing $14.5 billion in investment and over 20,000 new clean energy jobs, and has advanced funding and legislation to help address the worst aspects of the climate crisis, such as extreme heatdroughts and water issues, wildfires, and air pollution. Rosen has also worked to hold Big Oil accountable for price gouging and driving up gas prices. Meanwhile, Sam Brown wants to gut investments in clean energy, criticized solar projects in Nevada, and even called for eliminating the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency. Sam Brown is out of touch and wrong for Nevadans.”



About Battle Born Progress: Battle Born Progress, through strategic communication efforts, empowers, engages and mobilizes Nevada voters to build a state where everyone has a fair opportunity to succeed. We support, engage, and mobilize the progressive community through bold leadership, strategic communications, accountability, and education. We are on the cutting edge of new media and are the go-to source for progressive issues and advocacy for traditional media. Learn more at

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