Camalot Todd

Public Outcry Halts NV Energy’s Egregious Rate Hike Proposal, PUCN Stands with Nevadans

Conservation and Community Groups Applaud Public Utilities Commission for Rejecting NV Energy's Attempt to Penalize Solar and Energy Efficiency

RENO, NV — Today, the Nevada Conservation League, Solar United Neighbors, Moms Clean Air Force, Faith In Action Nevada, and For Our Future Nevada are relieved following the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada’s (PUCN) final order to largely reject NV Energy’s outrageous proposal to nearly triple the monthly basic service charge (BSC) in Northern Nevada. The final decision increased this BSC by $2.00 to a total of $18.50 per month for homeowners, matching the rate for Southern Nevada customers. The PUCN rebuked the utility’s request for a far larger $28.80 increase that would have brought monthly minimum bills to $45.30. 

The Commission agreed with community members and interveners that NV Energy’s proposed increase was “extreme and unsupported” because it would have removed customer control over their power bills, disincentivized energy efficiency, and increased costs even more in the future. While any rate increase places an additional burden on customers who are struggling to make ends meet, this decision clearly shows that the PUCN listened to the needs of Northern Nevada families and held NV Energy accountable for this egregious request.

The Commission also lowered NV Energy’s overall request by setting the return on equity for shareholders at 9.65%, a small increase from the current rate of 9.5% but far below the utility’s proposed jump to 10.4%, and disallowed inappropriate expenses.

“We are relieved that the PUCN listened to the voices of Nevadans and acted to protect consumers from an excessive and harmful rate increase,” said Trystin St. Denis, Northern Nevada Community Organizer for the Nevada Conservation League. “The PUCN has recognized and protected the importance of rooftop solar and energy efficiency, which are immensely popular and critical to achieving Nevada’s clean energy goals and reducing our environmental harm. NV Energy should be embarrassed for even attempting this blatant money grab. We’ll be watching them in upcoming PUCN proceedings and at the 2025 Legislature.”

“Nevadans overwhelmingly want more rooftop solar, not less,” said Bret Fanshaw, West Region Director of Solar United Neighbors. “But NV Energy regularly works to undermine rooftop solar in the interest of their bottom line. We are relieved that this solar-killing rate hike was rejected and that the investments that families made in their rooftop solar systems have been protected.”

“Nevada families have been reeling from skyrocketing utility bills due to volatile prices of methane gas,” said Mary Wagner, Moms Clean Air Force Nevada Organizer. “We are glad that the PUCN saw through NV Energy’s attempt to increase rates, which would have put extreme hardship on already struggling customers while leaving us more vulnerable to future swings in the price of methane gas. High utility costs not only strain family budgets but also exacerbate health issues by making it harder for families to afford proper heating and cooling during extreme weather. We must remain firm in our commitment to increase renewable energy consumption and protect public health, ensuring cleaner air and healthier living conditions for all Nevadans.”

“This decision by the PUCN is a step in the right direction, but we remain concerned about NV Energy’s attempts to raise rates on families already struggling to pay their bills,” said Chasity Martinez, Community Organizer for Faith In Action Nevada. “NV Energy’s proposal wasn’t just economically damaging but morally wrong, forcing the lowest energy users to pay for the biggest energy wasters and prioritizing polluting and expensive fossil fuels over affordable clean energy. We must continue to hold NV Energy accountable and ensure that all Nevadans, especially the most vulnerable, are protected from corporate greed.”

“Today’s order shows the power of community advocacy, but it also reminds us of the ongoing threat posed by NV Energy’s relentless push for higher profits at the expense of working families,” said Madisen McGrath, Senior Organizer at For Our Future Nevada. “Even though the PUCN rejected the worst parts of this proposal, this fight isn’t over and there’s more work to do in order to protect Nevadans. We will continue to stand up for our communities and ensure no one is punished for making responsible, energy-efficient choices.”

The Commission voted on the rate case during today’s meeting at the PUCN’s Carson City and Las Vegas offices. The Final Order will be posted at a later date, but the Draft Order and Commissioner Tammy Cordova’s modifications to it are available online. Advocates call on all residents to stay engaged and vigilant as the state moves forward with its energy transition. Visit for details.


About Utility Watch Nevada

Utility Watch Nevada is a project of community and conservation organizations in Nevada.

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